13048 results.
Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
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Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
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Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
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Exam (4 questions) in Nursing
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Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
Recall of common units, along with understanding multiplication.
Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
Issues: alignment in columns in the working - not sure what to do about it
Decimal divided by a decimal. Multiply by a power of ten to get an integer divisor. Long and short division process. There is a remainder which we express as a decimal by continuing the division process. Rounding is required to some number of decimal places.
Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
Divisor is a two-digit number. There is a remainder which we express as a decimal by continuing the division process. Rounding is required to one decimal place. The working suggests determining the second decimal place so the student knows whether to round up or down.
Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
Divisor is single digit. There is a remainder which we express as a decimal by continuing the division process. Rounding is required to one decimal place. The working suggests determining the second decimal place so the student knows whether to round up or down.
Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
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Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
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Exam (4 questions) in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
Adding, subtracting and multiplying two and three digit numbers. Now with worked solutions.
Exam (8 questions) in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
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Exam (7 questions) in post-algebra Arithmetic and Numeracy
simplifying, multiplication, fraction of square roots resulting in rational, square root of fraction resulting in rational, rationalising the denominator, simple rationalising the denominator conjugate
Question in C&G 2850 (Level 2) Engineering
Ferrous Metals
Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
Converting between giga, mega, kilo, base, milli and micro, nano. Metres, grams and litres.
Question in Nursing
Converting between metres (m) and centimetres (cm).
Question in Nursing
Converting between kilo, base, milli and micro. Grams, litres and metres.
Question in Nursing
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Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
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Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
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Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
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Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
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Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
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Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
Counting the number of significant figures.
Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
Rounding integers and decimals to a specific number of sig figs.
Question in Debugging other people's stuff
The student has to write the general solution of a 2nd order PDE. They can choose the names of their arbitrary functions of $x$ and $y$.
The marking algorithm finds the names of the functions of $x$ and $y$ in the student's answer, and replaces them with $\sin(x)$ and $\cos(y)$ (these could be changed) so that the expression can be evaluated.
Question in Elias's workspace
Inneholder flere ulike typer av samme spørsmål
Question in Algebra
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Question in Algebra
Multiply two algebraic fractions (unfortunately their appearance doesn't really change) and cancel.
Question in How-tos
Example showing how to mark a "choose one from a list" part where the student has to pick the range a given number lies in.