73 results.
Question in vijay's workspace
Find the coordinates of the stationary point for f:D→R: f(x,y)=a+be−(x−c)2−(y−d)2, D is a disk centre (c,d).
Question in Bill's workspace
Implicit differentiation.
Given x2+y2+ax+by=c find dydx in terms of x and y.
Question in Bill's workspace
Implicit differentiation.
Given x2+y2+dxy+ax+by=c find dydx in terms of x and y.
Also find two points on the curve where x=0 and find the equation of the tangent at those points.
Question in Bill's workspace
I compact interval, g:I→I, g(x)=(x−a)(x−b)2. Stationary points in interval. Find local and global maxima and minima of g on I.
Question in Bill's workspace
I compact interval. g:I→I,g(x)=x2(x−c)a/b. Are there stationary points and local maxima, minima? Has g a global max, global min?
Question in Morten's workspace
Find the coordinates of the stationary point for f:D→R: f(x,y)=a+be−(x−c)2−(y−d)2, D is a disk centre (c,d).
Question in Katie's workspace
I compact interval, g:I→I, g(x)=(x−a)(x−b)2. Stationary points in interval. Find local and global maxima and minima of g on I.
Question in Katie's workspace
I compact interval. g:I→I,g(x)=x2(x−c)a/b. Are there stationary points and local maxima, minima? Has g a global max, global min?
Question in Katie's workspace
Find the stationary point (p,q) of the function: f(x,y)=ax2+bxy+cy2+dx+gy. Calculate f(p,q).
Question in Bill's workspace
Find the stationary point (p,q) of the function: f(x,y)=ax2+bxy+cy2+dx+gy. Calculate f(p,q).
Question in Bill's workspace
Find the stationary points of the function: f(x,y)=ax3+bx2y+cy2x+dy by choosing from a list of points.
Question in Bill's workspace
Find the coordinates of the stationary point for f:D→R: f(x,y)=a+be−(x−c)2−(y−d)2, D is a disk centre (c,d).
Question in Bill's workspace
Find the critical point (0,a) of the function: f(x,y)=ax3+bx2y+cy2+dy+f and find its type using the test given by the Hessian matrix.