13076 results.
Question in MASH Bath: Question Bank
Finding composite functions of a quadratic function and a logarithmic function.
Question in Ed questions to share
Used for LANTITE preparation (Australia). SP = Statistics & Probability strand. Students are shown an unusual chart and asked one of six possible questions.
Question in Ed questions to share
Used for LANTITE preparation (Australia). SP = Statistics & Probability strand. Students are shown a column graph and asked to calculate the net benefit given the amount invested (randomly generated) and the intervention type (one of seven possible).
Question in Engineering Statics
Replace two parallel forces with an equivalent single force
Question in Engineering Statics
Replace three tangential forces with an equivalent force-couple system acting at the center of a circle.
Question in Ed questions to share
Used for LANTITE preparation (Australia).SP = Statistics & Probability strand. NC = Non Calculator strand. Students are shown an infographic and asked two of five possible true/false questions.
Question in Discrete Mathematics
This question asks students to identify trees.
Question in Discrete Mathematics
This question asks students to find a spanning tree for simple undirected graphs.
Question in Johan's workspace
No description given
Exam (6 questions) in Yvonne's workspace
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Question in Yvonne's workspace
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Question in Year 1 diagnostics
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Exam (2 questions) in Jenny's workspace
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Question in Ed questions to share
Used for LANTITE preparation (Australia). NA = Number & Algebra strand. SP = Statistics & Probability strand. Students read a percentage from the chart, and calculate that percentage of the number of children (randomly generated).
Question in Ed questions to share
Used for LANTITE preparation (Australia). NC = Non Calculator strand. NA = Number & Algebra strand. Students are given the number of people that are fed with 200g of rice (randomised), and the total number of people to be fed (randomised). They need to calculate the weight of rice using proportional reasoning.
Question in Ed questions to share
Used for LANTITE preparation (Australia). NC = Non Calculator strand. NA = Number & Algebra strand. Students are given the number of pages read (randomised) and number of pages remaining (randomised), and asked to write the proportion read as a simple fraction.
Question in Yvonne's workspace
Just showing how to use the stdev function from the stats extension to calculate the standard deviation of a list of numbers.
Question in Yvonne's workspace
Just showing how to use the stdev function from the stats extension to calculate the standard deviation of a list of numbers.
Exam (12 questions) in Yvonne's workspace
No description given
Exam (6 questions) in Newcastle University Biomedical Sciences
A test of basic concepts to do with SI units and concentrations of solutions.
Question in ENG2012/CME1027 practice
Finding the confidence interval at either 90%, 95% or 99% for the population variance of a sample. $\chi^2$ tables are used. A single scenario is given.
Exam (4 questions) in .Matrix Algebra
2x2 by ad-bc, 3x3 by Laplace expansion, properties of determinants
Exam (5 questions) in .Matrix Algebra
Multiplication of square and non square matrices, Identity matrices and zero matrices
Exam (3 questions) in .Matrix AlgebraScalar Multiplication of matrices, plus used in combination with addition & subtraction
Exam (4 questions) in .Matrix AlgebraAddition and subtraction of random matrices.
Exam (4 questions) in .Matrix AlgebraBasic definitions: Order, elements, Trace and Transpose.
Exam (4 questions) in .Differential Calculus
Fairly simple questions using differentiation "power rule" and "sum or difference rules" to differentiate single term functions and polynomials.
Some co-efficients and indices can be negative and/or fractional.
Exam (12 questions) in .Differential CalculusDesigned to instill a systematic method. The first 6 questions are scaffolded (step by step) followed by 2 randomly selected questions that only ask for a final answer.
Exam (12 questions) in .Differential CalculusDesigned to instill a systematic method. The first 6 questions are scaffolded (step by step) followed by 2 randomly selected questions that only ask for a final answer.
Exam (7 questions) in Martin's workspace
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