122 results.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Manipulate fractions in order to add and subtract them. The difficulty escalates through the inclusion of a whole integer and a decimal, which both need to be converted into a fraction before the addition/subtraction can take place.
Question in Algebra
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Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Practice with adding, subtracting and dividing basic algebraic fractions
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Split ax+b(cx+d)(px+q) into partial fractions.
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
No description given
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Split ax+b(cx+d)(px+q) into partial fractions.
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Find ∫ax+b(x+c)(x+d)dx,a≠0,c≠d.
Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
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Question in Transition to university
Rationalise the denominator with increasingly difficult examples involving compound denominators.
Question in Alexander's workspace
Express ax+b±cx+d as an algebraic single fraction over a common denominator.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
This question tests the student's ability to identify equivalent fractions through spotting a fraction which is not equivalent amongst a list of otherwise equivalent fractions. It also tests the students ability to convert mixed numbers into their equivalent improper fractions. It then does the reverse and tests their ability to convert an improper fraction into an equivalent mixed number.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Several problems involving dividing fractions, with increasingly difficult examples, including mixed numbers and complex fractions.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Several problems involving the multiplication of fractions, with increasingly difficult examples, including a mixed fraction and a squared fraction. The final part is a word problem.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Manipulate fractions in order to add and subtract them. The difficulty escalates through the inclusion of a whole integer and a decimal, which both need to be converted into a fraction before the addition/subtraction can take place.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
Manipulate fractions in order to add and subtract them. The difficulty escalates through the inclusion of a whole integer and a decimal, which both need to be converted into a fraction before the addition/subtraction can take place.
Question in Skills Audits for Maths and Stats
This question tests the student's ability to identify equivalent fractions through spotting a fraction which is not equivalent amongst a list of otherwise equivalent fractions. It also tests the students ability to convert mixed numbers into their equivalent improper fractions. It then does the reverse and tests their ability to convert an improper fraction into an equivalent mixed number.
Question in MESH
Convert between improper fractions and mixed numerals
Question in MESH
Several problems involving dividing fractions, with increasingly difficult examples, including mixed numbers and complex fractions.
Question in MESH
This question tests the student's ability to identify equivalent fractions through spotting a fraction which is not equivalent amongst a list of otherwise equivalent fractions. It also tests the students ability to convert mixed numbers into their equivalent improper fractions. It then does the reverse and tests their ability to convert an improper fraction into an equivalent mixed number.
Question in MESH
Basics, percentage of an amount, converting to fractions and decimals.
Question in MESH
Add, subtract, multiply and divide numerical fractions.
Question in MESH
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Question in MESH
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Question in MESH
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Question in DIAGNOSYS
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Question in DIAGNOSYS
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Question in Transition to university
Manipulate surds and rationalise the denominator of a fraction when it is a surd.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Express ax+b±cx+d as an algebraic single fraction over a common denominator.
Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
No description given
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Find ab+cd as a single fraction in the form pq for integers p and q.