28 results.
Question in Engineering Statics
Add three vectors by determining their scalar components, summing them and then resolving the rectangular components to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant.
Question in NCL MAS1610 / PHY1038
Elementary examples of multiplication and addition of complex numbers. Four parts.
Question in Engineering Statics
Use the parallelogram rule to solve a force triangle.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Multiplication and addition of complex numbers. Four parts.
Question in MESH
Natural numbers addition algorithm. 2 and 3 digit numbers. Carrying.
Question in Engineering Statics
Given three vectors, arrange them in a tip to tail arrangement using geogebra, then estimate the magnitude and direction of their resultant.
Question in Engineering Statics
Add three vectors by determining their scalar components, summing them and then resolving the rectangular components to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant
Question in Engineering Statics
Determine the resultant of three random 2-D vectors.
Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
No description given
Question in pre-algebra Numeracy and Arithmetic
Natural numbers addition algorithm. 2 and 3 digit numbers. Carrying.
Question in Engineering Statics
Sum three force vectors based on a written description of the situation.
Question in Nursing
No description given
Question in Engineering Statics
Find the sum of two 2-dimensional vectors, graphically and exactly using the parallelogram rule.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
simple sums of matrices and scalar mult of matrices.
Question in Linear Algebra 1st year
Calculating with vectors in R4, including resolving brackets. The fixed vector size is so that a test is fair to all students.
Question in Engineering Statics
Given the specifications of two vectors, draw the parallelogram representing their sum, then estimate length of the diagonal.
Question in Engineering Statics
Given three vectors with integer components, find the corresponding magnitude and direction.
Question in Bill's workspace
Multiplication of complex numbers. Four parts.
Question in Bill's workspace
Elementary examples of multiplication and powers of complex numbers. Four parts.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Elementary operations on vectors; sum, modulus, unit vector, scalar multiple.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Elementary examples of multiplication and addition of complex numbers. Four parts.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Direct calculation of low positive and negative powers of complex numbers. Calculations involving a complex conjugate. Powers of i. Four parts.
Question in Transition to university
Add two numbers in standard form, then subtract two numbers in standard form.
Question in Transition to university
Use laws for addition and subtraction of logarithms to simplify a given logarithmic expression to an arbitrary base.
Question in Transition to university
Addition and subtraction of integers and decimals.
Question in Algebra
Calculate the expression 124a+35a. One of the following is not correct, which one?
Question in Katie's workspace
Linear combinations of 2×2 matrices. Three examples.
Question in Bill's workspace
Linear combinations of 2×2 matrices. Three examples.