27 results.
Question in Ugur's workspace
Multiple response question (4 correct out of 8) covering properties of convergent and divergent series and including questions on power series. Selection of questions from a pool.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Multiple response question (3 correct out of 6) re properties of convergent and divergent sequences. Selection of questions from a pool.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Multiple response question (4 correct out of 8) covering properties of convergent and divergent sequences and boundedness of sets. Selection of questions from a pool.
Question in Transition to university
Multiplication and division of upper and lower bounds.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
xn=an2+bcn2+d. Find the least integer N such that |xn−ac|<10−r,n≥N, 2≤r≤6. Determine whether the sequence is increasing, decreasing or neither.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Multiple response question (4 correct out of 8) covering properties of convergent and divergent series and including questions on power series. Selection of questions from a pool.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Four questions on finding least upper bounds and greatest lower bounds of various sets.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
xn=nktn where k is a positive integer and t a real number with 0<t<1. Find the smallest integer N such that (m+1)ktm+1≤mktm for all m≥N.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Multiple response question (2 correct out of 4) covering properties of Riemann integration. Selection of questions from a pool.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Eight questions on finding least upper bounds and greatest lower bounds of various sets.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Question on lim. Find least integer N s.t. \ \left |1-\left(\frac{1}{c}\right)^{b/n}\right| \le10^{-r},\;n \geq N
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Let x_n=\frac{an+b}{cn+d},\;\;n=1,\;2\ldots. Find \lim_{x \to\infty} x_n=L and find least N such that |x_n-L| \le 10^{-r},\;n \geq N,\;r \in \{2,\;3,\;4\}.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Seven standard elementary limits of sequences.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Using simple substitution to find \lim_{x \to a} bx+c, \lim_{x \to a} bx^2+cx+d and \displaystyle \lim_{x \to a} \frac{bx+c}{dx+f} where d\times a+f \neq 0.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Multiple response question (4 correct out of 8) covering properties of convergent and divergent sequences and boundedness of sets. Selection of questions from a pool.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
x_n=\frac{an+b}{cn+d}. Find the least integer N such that \left|x_n -\frac{a}{c}\right| \le 10 ^{-r},\;n\geq N, 2\leq r \leq 6.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
f(x,y) is the PDF of a bivariate distribution (X,Y) on a given rectangular region in \mathbb{R}^2. Write down the limits of the integrations needed to find P(X \ge a), the marginal distributions f_X(x),\;f_Y(y) and the conditional probability P(Y \le b|X \ge c)
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Multiple response question (2 correct out of 4) covering properties of continuity and differentiability. Selection of questions from a pool.
Can choose true and false for each option. Also in one test run the second choice was incorrectly entered, rest correct, but the feedback indicates that the third was wrong.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Multiple response question (2 correct out of 4) covering properties of continuity and limits of functions. Selection of questions from a pool.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Eight questions on finding least upper bounds and greatest lower bounds of various sets.
Question in Transition to university
Work with lower and upper bounds for estimates of weight.
Question in Bill's workspace
x_n=\frac{an+b}{cn+d}. Find the least integer N such that \left|x_n -\frac{a}{c}\right| \lt 10 ^{-r},\;n\geq N, 2\leq r \leq 6.
Question in Bill's workspace
Let x_n=\frac{an+b}{cn+d},\;\;n=1,\;2\ldots. Find \lim_{x \to\infty} x_n=L and find least N such that |x_n-L| \lt 10^{-r},\;n \geq N,\;r \in \{2,\;3,\;4\}.
Question in Bill's workspace
Seven standard elementary limits of sequences.
Question in Bill's workspace
I compact interval. \displaystyle g: I \rightarrow I, g(x)=\frac{ax}{x^2+b^2}. Find stationary points and local maxima, minima. Using limits, has g a global max, min?
Question in Bill's workspace
g: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}, g(x)=\frac{ax}{x^2+b^2}. Find stationary points and local maxima, minima. Using limits, has g a global max, min?
Question in Katie's workspace
Seven standard elementary limits of sequences.