32 results.
Ugur's copy of Find eigenvalues, characteristic polynomial and a normalised eigenvector of a 3x3 matrix Ready to useQuestion in Ugur's workspace
Given a 3 x 3 matrix, and two eigenvectors find their corresponding eigenvalues. Also fnd the characteristic polynomial and using this find the third eigenvalue and a normalised eigenvector (x=1).
Characteristic poly, eigenvalues and eigenvectors 3x3, digonailsability (non-randomised) Ready to useQuestion in Ugur's workspace
Example of an explore mode question. Student is given a 3x3 matrix and is asked to find the characteristic polynomial and eigenvalues, and then eigenvectors for each eigenvalue. The part asking for eigenvectors can be repeated as often as the student wants, to be used for different eigenvalues.
Assessed: calculating characteristic polynomial and eigenvectors.
Feature: any correct eigenvalue will be recognised by the marking algorithm, even multiples of the obvious one(s) (which can be read off from the reduced row echelon form)
Randomisation: Not randomised, just using particular matrices. I am still working on how to randomise this for 3x3; a randomised 2x2 version exists. I have several different versions for 3x3 (not all published yet), so I could make a random choice between these in a test.
The implementation uses linear algebra functions such as "find reduced echelon form" or "find kernel of a reduced echelon form", from the extension "linalg2".
Question in Ugur's workspace
Given 5 vectors in R4 determine if a spanning set for R4 or not by looking for any simple dependencies between the vectors.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Real numbers a,b,c and d are such that a+b+c+d=1 and for the given vectors v1,v2,v3,v4 av1+bv2+cv3+dv4=0. Find a,b,c,d.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Reduce a 5x6 matrix to row reduced form and using this find rank and nullity.
Question in Julia Goedecke's contributions
Example of an explore mode question. Student is given a 2x2 matrix and is asked to find the characteristic polynomial and eigenvalues, and then eigenvectors for each eigenvalue. The part asking for eigenvectors can be repeated as often as the student wants, to be used for different eigenvalues.
Assessed: calculating characteristic polynomial and eigenvectors.
Feature: any correct eigenvector is recognised by the marking algorithm, also multiples of the "obvious" one(s) (given the reduced row echelon form that we use to calculate them).
Randomisation: a random true/false for invertibility is created, and the eigenvalues a and b are randomised (condition: two different evalues, and a=0 iff invertibility is false), and a random invertible 2x2 matrix with determinant 1 or -1 is created (via random elementary row operations) to change base from diag(a,b) to the matrix for the question. Determinant 1 or -1 ensures that we keep integer entries.
The implementation uses linear algebra functions such as "find reduced echelon form" or "find kernel of a reduced echelon form", from the extension "linalg2".
Question in Julia Goedecke's contributions
Example of an explore mode question. Student is given a 3x3 matrix and is asked to find the characteristic polynomial and eigenvalues, and then eigenvectors for each eigenvalue. The part asking for eigenvectors can be repeated as often as the student wants, to be used for different eigenvalues.
Assessed: calculating characteristic polynomial and eigenvectors.
Feature: any correct eigenvalue will be recognised by the marking algorithm, even multiples of the obvious one(s) (which can be read off from the reduced row echelon form)
Randomisation: Not randomised, just using particular matrices. I am still working on how to randomise this for 3x3; a randomised 2x2 version exists. I have several different versions for 3x3 (not all published yet), so I could make a random choice between these in a test.
The implementation uses linear algebra functions such as "find reduced echelon form" or "find kernel of a reduced echelon form", from the extension "linalg2".
Question in Julia Goedecke's contributions
Student finds a basis for kernel and image of a matrix transformation. Any basis can be entered; there is a custom marking algorithm which checks if it is a correct basis.
There are options to adjust this question fairly easily, for example to get different variants for practice and for a test, by changing the options in the "pivot columns" in the variables. You should be careful to think about and test your pivot options, as some are easier or harder than others, and some don't work very well.
Question in Julia Goedecke's contributions
Educational calculation tool rather than "question".
This allows the student to input a linear system in augmented matrix form (max rows 5, but any number of variables). Then the student can decide to swap some rows, or multiply some rows, or add multiples of one row to other rows. The student only has to input what operation should be performed, and this is automatically applied to the system. This question has no marks and no feedback as it's just meant as a "calculator".
It has some rounding to 13 decimal places, as otherwise some fraction calculations become incorrectly displayed as a very small number instead of 0.
It would be possible to extend to more than 5 rows, one just has to put in a lot more variables and so on. I just had to choose some place to stop.
Question in Julia Goedecke's contributions
Educational calculation tool rather than "question".
This allows the student to input a square matrix (max rows 5). Then the student can decide to swap some rows, or multiply some rows, or add multiples of one row to other rows. The student only has to input what operation should be performed, and this is automatically applied to the matrix and the identity matrix (or what it has got to). This question has no marks and no feedback as it's just meant as a "calculator". It has some checks in so students know when they are not entering a square matrix or a valid row number etc.
It has some rounding to 13 decimal places, as otherwise some fraction calculations become incorrectly displayed as a very small number instead of 0.
It would be possible to extend to more than 5 rows, one just has to put in a lot more variables and so on. I just had to choose some place to stop.
Question in Julia Goedecke's contributions
Example of an explore mode question. Student is given a 2x2 matrix with eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and is asked to decide if the matrix is invertible. If yes, second and third parts are offered where the student should give the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the inverse matrix.
Assessed: remembering link between 0 eigenvalue and invertibility. Remembering link between eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrix and its inverse.
Randomisation: a random true/false for invertibility is created, and the eigenvalues a and b are randomised (condition: two different evalues, and a=0 iff invertibility is false), and a random invertible 2x2 matrix with determinant 1 or -1 is created (via random elementary row operations) to change base from diag(a,b) to the matrix for the question. Determinant 1 or -1 ensures that we keep integer entries.
The implementation uses linear algebra functions such as "find reduced echelon form" or "find kernel of a reduced echelon form", from the extension "linalg2".
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Choose which of 5 matrices are in a) row echelon form but not reduced b) reduced row echelon form c) neither.
Question in Jos's workspace
Exercises in multiplying matrices.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Elementary Exercises in multiplying matrices.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Solving a system of three linear equations in 3 unknowns using Gauss Elimination in 4 stages. Solutions are all integral.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given 5 vectors in R4 determine if a spanning set for R4 or not by looking for any simple dependencies between the vectors.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given a matrix in row reduced form use this to find bases for the null, column and row spaces of the matrix.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given 6 vectors in R4 and given that they span R4 find a basis.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given the following three vectors v1,v2,v3 Find out whether they are a linearly independent set are not. Also if linearly dependent find the relationship vr=pvs+qvt for suitable r,s,t and integers p,q.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
A a 3×3 matrix. Using row operations on the augmented matrix (A|I3) reduce to (I3|A−1).
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Given a 3 x 3 matrix, and two eigenvectors find their corresponding eigenvalues. Also fnd the characteristic polynomial and using this find the third eigenvalue and a normalised eigenvector (x=1).
Question in Transition to university
Factorise polynomials by identifying common factors. The first expression has a constant common factor; the rest have common factors involving variables.
Question in bryan's workspace
Solving a system of three linear equations in 3 unknowns using Gauss Elimination in 4 stages. Solutions are all integral.
Question in Matrices Questions
Given two ordered sets of vectors S,T in R5 find the reduced echelon form of the matrices given by S and T and hence determine whether or not they span the same subspace.
Question in MA4100
Solving a system of three linear equations in 3 unknowns using Gauss Elimination in 4 stages. Solutions are all integral.
Question in Christian's workspace
A a 3×3 matrix. Using row operations on the augmented matrix (A|I3) reduce to (I3|A−1).
Question in Ricardo's workspace
A a 3×3 matrix. Using row operations on the augmented matrix (A|I3) reduce to (I3|A−1).
Question in Bill's workspace
Exercises in multiplying matrices.
Question in Katie's workspace
Linear combinations of 2×2 matrices. Three examples.
Question in Bill's workspace
Linear combinations of 2×2 matrices. Three examples.