8 results.
Question in Deactivated user's workspace
Given cost of production and price of sale of a product; a percentage increase in cost of production; and unit sales before and after; work out the extra profit.
Based on question 6 from section 3 of the maths-aid workbook on numerical reasoning.
Question in Numerical reasoning
Given the stakes of three people in a lottery syndicate, and the amount the syndicate won, work out each person's share of the winnings.
Based on question 4 from section 3.2 of the Maths-Aid workbook on numerical reasoning.
Question in Numerical reasoning
Following part 2, "Questions on Data Tables", from the Maths Aid workbook "Numerical reasoning tests".
Only doing the first 4 questions because the others involve trends that need lots more thinking about how to randomise.
Not finished!
Question in Numerical reasoning
Given cost of production and price of sale of a product; a percentage increase in cost of production; and unit sales before and after; work out the extra profit.
Based on question 6 from section 3 of the maths-aid workbook on numerical reasoning.
Question in Numerical reasoning
Given the cost to produce an item and a desired markup, calculate the appropriate sale price.
Question in Numerical reasoning
Given the selling price of an item both as a cash amount and as a percentage of the cost of production, find the cost of production and the profit.
Based on question 1 from section 3 of the Maths-Aid workbook on numerical reasoning.
Question in Numerical reasoning
Compute the weighted average salary in a department, given four salary levels and the percentages of staff earning them.
Question in Numerical reasoning
Scale a page to some percentage of its original size, then increase/decrease by another percentage. Find the size of the final copy as a percentage of the original.
Based on question 2 from section 3 of the Maths-Aid workbook on numerical reasoning.