78 results.
Question in Content created by Newcastle University
Finding the modulus of four complex numbers; includes finding the modulus of a product, a power and a quotient.
Question in Transition to university
This question tests the student's ability to identify equivalent fractions through spotting a fraction which is not equivalent amongst a list of otherwise equivalent fractions. It also tests the students ability to convert mixed numbers into their equivalent improper fractions. It then does the reverse and tests their ability to convert an improper fraction into an equivalent mixed number.
Question in Transition to university
Several problems involving the multiplication of fractions, with increasingly difficult examples, including a mixed fraction and a squared fraction. The final part is a word problem.
Question in Transition to university
This question tests the student's ability to identify the factors of some composite numbers and the highest common factors of two numbers.
Question in Transition to university
Several problems involving dividing fractions, with increasingly difficult examples, including mixed numbers and complex fractions.
Question in Transition to university
Fill in a table of powers of 10.
Question in Transition to university
Decide whether statements about square and cube numbers are always true, sometimes true or never true.
Question in Arithmetic
Testing addition, multiplication and division involving negative numbers.
Question in Arithmetic
Distinguishing -(72) and (-7)2.
Question in Christian's workspace
Details on inputting numbers into Numbas.
Question in Sabri's workspace
Finding the modulus and argument (in radians) of four complex numbers; the arguments between 0 and 2π and careful with quadrants!
Question in Graham's workspace
Finding the modulus and argument (in radians) of four complex numbers; the arguments between −π and π and careful with quadrants!
Question in Graham's workspace
Finding the modulus and argument (in radians) of four complex numbers; the arguments between −π and π and careful with quadrants!
Question in Val's workspace
No description given
Question in David's workspace
Finding the modulus and argument (in radians) of four complex numbers; the arguments between −π and π and careful with quadrants!
Question in Christoph's workspace
Finding the modulus and argument (in radians) of four complex numbers; the arguments between −π and π and careful with quadrants!
Question in Bill's workspace
Finding the modulus and argument (in radians) of four complex numbers; the arguments between −π and π and careful with quadrants!
Question in AP's workspace
No description given